It is great to hear that there are ways to protect your account from stealing and attempt to claim it back. A few days ago a friend got hacked and almost lost his account, he was able to log back and restore it somehow.
How did he get hacked? Has the password not changed by the hacker?
Curious to know so as to protect myself in the future.
If you provide a signed message with an old staked account, in a very specific format, theymos or badbear will reset your password and send you your new password over email.
This is why a signed message is important in account sales. It proves you legally bought the account, so the old owner cannot just claim it back with the admins.
So, in short, you can protect your account in the following ways:
- use a password manager (like keypass), always generate a strong, unique password for all your online activity's (including bitcointalk)
- stake a bitcoin address ASAP, just post it in the address staking thread from tomatocage, and ask if somebody can quote you. Make sure you can sign a message with this staked address