Hardly a competitor to bitcoin, looks like a 'token' capture currency:
http://www.hubculture.com/groups/dev/projects/1046/wiki/Can I trade my Ven back to national currencies like the Dollar, Euro or Pound?
No, but you can use it to buy thousands of items in the Ven economy, to trade to others instantly, and to keep score on transactions with your friends or other organizations. As more developers add functions to Ven, and more websites enable their pages to accept Ven payments, the universe of items you can engage with using Ven grows, making the currency ever more relevant to its community of users. If you can get what you want using the currency, there's no reason to need to cash out to a national currency.
And it has a relationship with Facebook, which of course means it is about as tenuous as Zynga, lol.
Ven/USD is around 9, versus 12.30 for bitcoin.