Hey guys, I've got some money sitting in a savings account making low monthly interest (well below 2%) so I thought I'd invest in some bitcoins instead
I remember hearing about Bitcoin when it was first released and loved the idea but didn't have the funds to play around with it back then...Now I do. Anyway, I already have a long time friend who is in the bitcoin buying/selling/trading "game" and that is really all I am interested in as well. He strategy is something like this;
1) He buys bitcoins on Circle (from a U.S VISA debt card tied to U.S Bank account) when price is low
2) Holds on to them until price rises (from Circle, he transfers them to a wallet on his local PC for storage, Electrum)
3) After price goes up, he sells them on Localbitcoins
4) For example, in November he bought 5 when price was ~$280....Sold them yesterday for ~$420 each ($700 USD profit in 30 days)
He pays very little sending/receiving/converting fees along the way and everything is almost instant he says, and relatively safe. Any thing wrong with the above? Any better suggestions?
I'm not a U.S citizen but I do have a U.S based bank account and debt card so only want to buy them with USD funds I have on there...No paypal/gift cards/etc. No dealing with chargebacks, invalid codes, etc. Aren't bank transfers the best option anyway?
REMEMBER. THIS IS STILL A FORM OF GAMBLING. Do Not Gamble More Than You Can Afford. If the Price Decreases And Does Not Increase For A Long Period Of Time, And you suddenly need the money: you're stuck!