This is about 16 against a 10 or A. Where I play they don't allow to surrender, so I have to hit or stay on a 16 against a 10 or A.
I've been hitting my 16s because others suggest you have the best odds hitting, but recently I read an article online, what he wrote made sense so now I'm a bit confused. He says to never hit on a 16 because if you hit on a 16 you'll win 25.23% of the time, bust 69.31% of the time, and push 5.46% of the time for a net loss of 44.08% of the time. If you stand on 16 you win 29.01% of the time, and lose 70.99% of the time for a net loss of 41.98%. So by standing on 16 instead of taking a hit, you cut your losses by 2.1%
What do you guys say?
The page shows the best action you can do in Blackjack. I don't have the knowledge to verify it, but according to it, you should hit if dealer stands on Soft 17 and you should stand if dealer hits on soft 17.
Wizardofodds does a great job of breaking down the odds for every Casino game. The thing with Blackjack is that there are many variations of the rules which gives different advantages to the House and the player.
My personal rule is that for each session I sit down for Blackjack I will hit every time I see 6 vs 7/8/9/10/A or stay every time I see the Dealer showing a higher card. If you switch back and forth between hitting or staying, you will cause more detriment to your bankroll.