I only bet on Katowprice and Cologne. Teams throw way too much. You have a good betting rate, good luck with all your future bets. Better than anyone I've ever followed. Is totally recommend you. Are you going to do so the games on CSGO lounge, or just some?
Than you for your reply,and yes most of the games i predict are on CSGO lounge


Ive also done the csgobetting.com - Therefore i got over 50 bets won and just 18 loss.
Ive stopped it because!:
1. If you ivnest lower rate then 1.0 theys will sometaimer just take your invetory without loosing your bet.
2. If you invest over 1.0 the chance to win become in fact uppon this updates immortal because of every User setting on the Qoute

3. So if there cant be Quoete less than 1.0 you cant earn Money.
... So anyways i wish u good luck. Ive lost the Skins i won

Be Aware of the Hide scam !
Thank you for your comment

Means alot!
Looks like you really know what you are doing! I have followed the scene a bit (bigger tourneys usually but some smaller ones also when i have the time). Looks like i just might come here for tips on who to pick from now on

Excellent work, hope this keeps up.
Thanks! Stick around ill post predictions every day if there are good matches