I'm a little confused.
In post #785 you said you were +12 units. In post #790 you confirmed that you were +12 units (which makes sense, you hadn't posted any picks between the two).
In that post, you listed the following picks:
Optic (map1) 1.401 odds
CLG (map1) -3.5 1.772 odds
Cloud9 (map 1) -8.5 1.741 odds
Cloud9 (map 2) -8.5 1.797 odds
According to gosugames:
Optic lost 10-16
CLG lost 10-16
Cloud9 won map 1 16-9
Cloud9 won map 2 16-4
So on those bets, you lost 3 units and won .797 units for a total of -2.203 units.
You didn't update your units or even the results after these games.
Then, in post #795 you listed the following bets:
Flipsid3 1.687 odds
Epsilon -1.5 1.804 odds
CPH Molves -1.5 1.531 odds
The flipsid3 bet lost for -1 unit and the other two won for +1.335 units. On this slate, you profited .335 units.
However, when you listed the results of these games you listed your total units as +12.3. So it seems like you only included the slate of games listed in post #795. You omitted the games that you had picked the day before, which lost you money.
This is the problem with tout self reporting. When you only record the things you win on and omit the things you lose on, everyone looks like a genius. But for full, transparent results, you need to list everything, win or lose.
Thanks for pointing out,updated.I must have forgoten about it,feel free to point out mistakes when you see them! Cheers!