I was thinking about writing an argumentation essay for my school assignment on decentralized currency. I'm currently thinking about the outline for this essay.
My goal is to persuade the reader to consider ฿ or decentralized currency.
What would you think should be the 3 main points to discuss to get the reader to look into using alternative currency?
Some ideas/tips on the thesis sentence would save me some time too
Let your voices be heard
and thanks in advance
of course in the introduction explain that it allows the sending of funds from any one person to any other person instantly and anonymously across great distances for free with out being forced to trust an intermediary. (the basics)
1) soveriegnty of wealth in personal finance - I.E. even if the government takes all of your physical property, freezes all of your bank accounts, performs a body search and a cavity search, sends you through a metal detector before locking you in solitary confinement you can still be a millionaire by virtue of the passphraise you have memorized to unlock your brain wallet and no one even has to know that you have millions of dollars (unless you want them to know)
2) censorship resistant nature of bitcoin
3) bitcoin allows the extension of markets to places that were previously unmarketable. This allows systems that previously experienced market failure to avoid that problem (like how the tor network is unbearably slow). This allows for the implementation of organic open source grass roots solutions to problems that used to require centralization. So imagine if bit torrent allows seeders to sell their upload bandwidth, suddenly people would begin to look for any form of media that hadnt already been made available with torrents inorder to attempt to capture that market share. Common things would still be free (new episodes of popular tv shows) but obsure things that are currently not available would suddenly become available to those who were willing to pay a couple of pennies (a clear improvement). Inside the tor network you could continue to use it for free and it would continue to be slow as a turd OR you could pay each node a couple pennies and suddenly it would become lightning fast (again an improvement). This principal could even be extended to the internet its self. See a recent discussion i had with a fellow on these forums "Bitcoin + Decentralized Internet = ?" (
Ok ill leave it there but if you need more inspiration i highly recommend this interview with trace mayer (