I've found instructions on how to install Armory's offline bundle on Tails 1.3 (
My question is: I'd like to use multiple USB devices, one for the offline bundle which creates wallets, functions as a cold storage and signs offline transactions, a second one which is used on a Tails 1.8 device with enabled persistence in conjunction with bitcoind or bitcoin-qt to download the Blockchain (according to
https://tailsjoin.github.io/guides/install_guide.html bitcoind or bitcoin-qt work on Tails, however enough free space to actually store the Blockchain is necessay). And a third USB device or read-only CD with PGP encrypted offline transactions to transfer it to the device which will broadcast it.
Is this possible to achieve? Do I need all the listed .deb packages which are in the first link? And could the Armory offline bundle simply be 'turned' on by being installed on a Tails device which has the Blockchain on it?
Sorry, for my bad English and many thanks in advance! Could some dev please be so kind and take a look at this, any help would be really appreciated.