In an effort to attract more "Sell Orders," I am offering free bitcoins to the first 10 users on this forum who place and fund a Sell Order with Bitcopia and write about their experience here:
Users who sell $20 - $200 worth of bitcoins and write one of the first 10 reviews under this promotion will receive .4 BTC.
Users who sell $200.01 - $500 worth of bitcoins and write one of the first 10 reviews under this promotion will receive .75 BTC.
Users who sell $500.01 - $999 worth of bitcoins and write one of the first 10 reviews under this promotion will receive 1 BTC.
How to do it:
Go here: your preferred payment method and fill out the form appropriately.
In the notes section write:
Bitcointalk user name: "yourusername"
Bitcointalk user name: Bitcopia
Click place order and you will be taken to an order summary page with a unique bitcoin address to send your bitcoins.
Please allow as long as 7 days to receive your free BTC after your order has been processed and your review has been posted.
It does not matter if your review is positive or negative so long as it is honest!
Bitcopia's order process is very simple and user friendly with very competitive payout. And you can do a bank transfer for as little as $20 and still get free BTC!!! I look forward to serving more users in the bitcointalk community!