I checking it's all ok
*4 pin cable,
*jack to plug in 4 pin cable
*little adapter with blue light
*usb cable from little adapter
*bad usb jack in the rasp pi
Rasp pi and SD card, i testing remove program and install on this it's alright
but I'm not sure the software or wrong set up software
are you in the USA? Near New Jersey?
I could test it on my setup if you are close to me.
I would hook it to these below
https://i.imgur.com/iKC9tIT.pngIm in NJ and have been suffering from this exact issue (blinking red light) no fan activity whatsoever failure to boot etc...
Would your offer still be available?
If so I'd be happy to compensate you for your time and whatever help you might be able to provide (Central NJ BTW)
Let me know ;-)