If you are testing:
To get you started using the platform, you need the following installed
1) Perl (if you are not using Linux, OS X, or Unix, you can run Cygwin(cygwin.com) under Windows)
2) The LWP Perl module (you probably already have this)
If you want to buy/sell with the script, open it up in a text editor and enter a valid mtgox username/password on the lines that say:
our $name = "username";
our $pass = "password";
#### DO NOT EDIT BELOW(unless you know what you are doing)
When you run the platform, you will most likely want a few windows open to monitor the different modes it runs in. Here is the built-in usage instruction:
[me@cp perl]$ perl mtgox_tool.pl
usage: <program> <command> [command-specific-argument(s)]
commands: buy, sell, cancel, cancelall, orders, balance, monitor, ticker, depth, trigger, recent
types are 1=sell, 2=buy
status's are 1=active, 2=inactive(not enough funds)
example trigger to buy 50 BTC for 20 USD if price above 20 USD:
<program> trigger above 20: <program> buy 50 20
Your preferences may vary, but I like to have a window open running 'ticker', 'depth', 'recent', and 'monitor', I've attached a screenshot of what that looks like.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/10942261/platform2.jpgThe rest should be self explanatory.
I realize this is *not for everyone*, a lot of people may not be comfortable using a command line, or will expect some novice-friend GUI. Sorry, but to devote time to that project I would have to take a lot more time out of my working day, and that is how I pay the bills.
modfoo050@shackhost.net for tech support.