Hi all here on the forum,
i search cloudmining list, i'm working hard to upgrade my own bitcoin site and want to help people to starting ern bitcoin, use bitcoin and yes every thing i self need when i starting using bitcoins, so i post 3 links here what cloudminig i use, ofc, whit referral link include, you somekind of you guyes need more erning you welcom to signup on my links, but i will type why i have select the cloudmining services,

And when you post back on this thread, remeber you refarral in the url, so when i'm signin up you get bonus from me, and i hope this thread can help a lot of people to look more about cloudmining.
HashOcean:This cloudmining provider use graphic cards so you buy piecs of the graphic card, every 700 KH/s its 1 Unit (1 Graphic card) i recommend this cloudmining as my personal favorit, and its giving 5% bonus KH/s of all referral buying, and every one get 15 KH/s as free, if you not buy min. 20 KH/s before 30 days you will lose your free KH/s.
Own hashpower: 213 KH/s
20 KH/s cost like 6,5$
Payment support: Only BTC
Payout: Auto / Manuel
Repayment: 3-4 mounth
https://hashocean.com /
https://hashocean.com/signup/?rid=279145ZeusHash:This cloudmining provider its pretty good for people there use faucet websites, and don't what to spend a lot of money, prices starting from 0.39$ for each 1 GH/s and its a SHA256 cloudmining provider, bonus from referral its not so good here but its a okay provier for small invest.
Own hashpower: 0.059 TH/s (SHA256)
1 GH/s cost like 0.39$
Payment support: BTC and LTC
Payout: Manuel
Repayment: 6 mounth
https://zeushash.com /
https://zeushash.com/refer/yxvrewHashFlare:HashFlare its a nice provider if yo love both SHA256 and SCRYPT, here you can buy 10 GH/s SHA256 or 1 MH/s SCRYPT the prices are okay, its not the cheaps cloudminig provider, but my expirencs its a really good and stabile provider,
Own hashpower: 0.280 TH/s (SHA256) - 2 MH/s (SCRYPT)
20 GH/s cost like 0.39$
Payment support: BTC and Creditcard
Payout: Manuel
Repayment: 5-6 mounth
https://hashflare.io /
https://hashflare.io/r/37CC3FE4-BTCI hope you will share your cloudmining provider to, so i can collenct a big index over good providers, so start posting and tell more about you cloudmining provider and why you select your provider!

Thanks a lot and hope on lots of post.