Dragon Miner 1T Firmware Mod READMERequirements
To get started with the new firmware you need a SD Card, size at least 7.7 GB or bigger.
Hint: It is best to format your SD card before copying the files onto it.
Firmware Download and Setup- 1) Download the firmware from one of the Mirrors in the first post
- 2) Insert the SD card in a computer with an SD card reader
- 3) Extract the *.img file from the downloaded rar archive
- 4) Flash the image to the SD card (Guides for Linux, Windows and OS X here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/)
- 5) Power down your Miner if not already done so
- 5) When this process has finished, safely remove the SD card and insert it into your Miners Raspberry Pi unit
- 6) Power on your Miner and wait a minute until the SSH and web services start
- 7) Login to the web interface via OR via it's DHCP assigned address at http://$IP
You can now change Pool + Worker settings and also IP address, Gateway and DNS if needed.
Press the "Ok" Button to activate your changes and reboot to apply them automatically.
There is a small bug that might prevent cgminer from starting if not all three pool fields are populated. Make sure you fill all entries for the moment.
Voltage and Clock TuningThe image supports voltage and blade clock tuning for all Miner versions (that i am aware of). To change these settings, SSH into the Miner and modify the file
/var/config/extraopts. Modify the variables
"a1vol" and
"a1clock" only!
Restart your Miner with
shutdown -r now
to apply these settings automatically.
# Those settings are read and applied additionally
# Do not change if you have to ask what this means
# max overclock and voltage
# a1vol=890
# a1clock=1100
# max underclock and voltage
# a1vol=600
# a1clock=700
export a1vol=650
export a1clock=1000
Extranonce support via stratum-proxyThe image supports stratum-proxy optionally. The proxy needs to be enables and pool settings need to be adjusted, too.
Howto enable and configure stratum-proxy1.) Edit your pool info in
/opt/stratum-proxy/stratum-proxy.conf (this is a partial snippet only).
Of course, the pool must support extranonce, too!Example: "pools" : [ {
"name" : "f2pool",
"host" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.f2pool.com:3333",
"user" : "mxnsch.worker17",
"password" : "x",
"enableExtranonceSubscribe" : true,
"appendWorkerNames" : false,
"workerNameSeparator" : ".",
"useWorkerPassword" : false,
"weight" : 9,
"isEnabled": true
}, {
"name" : "Antpool2",
"host" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.f2pool.com:3333",
"user" : "mxnsch.worker28",
"password" : "x",
"enableExtranonceSubscribe" : true,
"appendWorkerNames" : false,
"workerNameSeparator" : ".",
"useWorkerPassword" : false,
"weight" : 9,
"isEnabled": true
}, {
"name" : "Antpool1",
"host" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.antpool.com:443",
"user" : "mxnsch.worker38",
"password" : "x",
"enableExtranonceSubscribe" : true,
"appendWorkerNames" : false,
"workerNameSeparator" : ".",
"useWorkerPassword" : false,
"weight" : 1,
"isEnabled": true
} ]
2.) SSH into the miner and edit the file
/etc/rc.local.real and remove the hashes (
#) in front of the two relevant lines. Restart your Miner with
shutdown -r now
to apply these settings automatically. You can access the stratum proxy web interface at OR via it's
DHCP assigned address at http://$IP[/li][/list]
3.) Last but not least, you must change your pool settings to point cgminer to the local stratum-proxy. The defaults are and port
3333. Restart your Miner with
shutdown -r now
to apply these settings automatically.
You are DONE! ;-)TroubleshootingThe default login for is username
"pi" with the password
"raspberry". Enter
"sudo -s" for full root permissions.
Given a working network connection, the cgminer jobs will be started automatically. If it does not work for some reason, login via SSH and check the output of
"/var/www/run.sh". A good starting point is also the process output list. Run the command with
ps auxwww
as root to see all running processes.
cgminer and
stratum-proxy (if running) should be clearly visible.