The site has a simple layout. Some may argue that it is lazy and it is possible to create a website like such in about a few minutes (I have before) however I totally disagree. When there are text and advertisements put everywhere on the site it is so hard to navigate around the site and is impossible to use if you have slow internet. I appreciate the simplicity.
The rewards are very good. Again, some may argue that the lowest earning is 200 satoshi which yes is low however you can earn that every 20 minutes, which turns into 600 an hour if you stay active which is not bad.
Overall, good website. By the way, I LOVE the fact that there isn't any "wait 60 seconds" or timers or click here captchas (where they put captchas everywhere). Again with the simplicity it's nice but I also hate spending 5 minutes looking for the captcha let alone trying to complete it due to advertisements in the way.
Nice work and thanks for the 200 satoshi.