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Author Topic: Bitcoin ATM just installed at an NYC deli  (Read 1127 times)
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Activity: 1904
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December 31, 2015, 09:07:06 AM

I've been to NYC and i've seen these bitcoin ATMs popping up everywhere in NY.

You sure about this? I would have thought with the Bitlicence requirements in NY, it would be better and more profitable to operate this from another location. If it is true, it must

mean that the Bitcoin community is flourishing in NY and there are a need for them. It's a pity it's stuck away like that, if they do not advertise it properly, it would go unnoticed.

Let's hope this is the start for good things to come in 2016 for New York.  Wink

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December 31, 2015, 09:20:25 AM

Great, another bitcoin ATM = more people using BTC Cheesy

i don't think so, if someone want really to buy bitcoin, they can simply use an exchange, i'm sure thta anyone using an atm can also use an exchange easily

so this is not going to cut it in any way, adoption will not increase because of atm for sure

It might not directly increase the adoption rate just because of a few ATM's, but if you install plenty of 2 way ATM's, it might attract people who are currently using Western Union. Who knows what will happen if these people ditch WU and start using Bitcoin instead. If the fee structure of these ATM's are user friendly, then it might happen.
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Activity: 2674
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December 31, 2015, 09:27:57 AM

it seem legit, but the last photo is not assured that its was bitcoin ATM,can you explain how to use the ATM? whether ATM can only be used to buy bitcoin? can not be used to sell bitcoin?

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the_poet (OP)
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Activity: 1138
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Bitcoin accepted here

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December 31, 2015, 10:05:19 AM

it seem legit, but the last photo is not assured that its was bitcoin ATM,can you explain how to use the ATM? whether ATM can only be used to buy bitcoin? can not be used to sell bitcoin?

The last photo is a regular ATM. LOL at the comment below the photo: "Blunt wraps by the normal atm, cereal and ice cream by the bitcoin machine.. Coincidence? I think not"

Under construction.
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December 31, 2015, 10:08:14 AM

Cool, but the fees are probably to high in order to use them. I rather use online exchange.
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December 31, 2015, 10:15:23 AM

Based on that picture,i just wanna ask you something,how that machine work?
And why its placed on super busy place?
Anyway,great to hear that bitcoin ATM more accepted in every shops.
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December 31, 2015, 10:54:57 AM

every corner of the planet will be in touch with a network of crypto, they will understand as it is profitable and convenient, and the world from the stone age go straight to the future
where fintech will come to each house and each able to choose for themselves the importance of and make decisions no longer make to raise their heads up
The Sceptical Chymist
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December 31, 2015, 06:11:45 PM

They have a lot of those. Not impressed.
Don't know what planet you're from, but I have yet to see a bitcoin ATM anywhere and I live close to NYC.  Not that close, but close enough.  But I thought the laws regarding bitcoin in NY were strict to the point of not even allowing such a thing to exist.  Hopefully I'm wrong.



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Activity: 952
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Check your coin privilege

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December 31, 2015, 06:19:55 PM

I've seen on the picture that the price was : 458.8$/btc

Is this picture taken when the price was on that level or does the ATM charge 8%?

Beep boop beep boop
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Activity: 1848
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December 31, 2015, 06:54:40 PM

I've seen on the picture that the price was : 458.8$/btc

Is this picture taken when the price was on that level or does the ATM charge 8%?

It's CoinSource, they probably have their own exchange rate.

Is this the address?

New York City
G & G Deli
886 10th Ave.
New York, NY 10019

Time to get some friends over to that place.

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Activity: 1512
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December 31, 2015, 07:23:01 PM

I've seen on the picture that the price was : 458.8$/btc

Is this picture taken when the price was on that level or does the ATM charge 8%?
I've seen on the picture that the price was : 458.8$/btc

Is this picture taken when the price was on that level or does the ATM charge 8%?

I think it's their commission I mean service charge it's bit hefty but once they get competitors in the same domain prices will come down but this is the indication of gaining popularity of Bitcoin and soon it will become a trend.


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Activity: 67
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December 31, 2015, 07:46:34 PM

Okay. Cool. I like it. I wonder if they have more.
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