er wait you believe 90%+ of coins minted will be lost? Did you have any historical references to back that up? I mean has 90%+ of gold been lost? 90%+ of printed currency lost?
dree12 said that
21 million coins X 100 million satoshis per coin = 2.1 quadrillion satoshis
not 21 quadrillion as grue said. 2.1 is 10% of 21.
I used the word "units" because I didn't want to say 'bitcoins' or 'satoshis'.
I was thinking of a facebook currency and making the analogy to the 21 million to be distributed in a very fair way, that is, equally to all facebook users.
What is fair about it? What about those that don't have a Facebook account because they think Facebook is one of the greatest plagues humanity has ever experienced? What about those who have several Facebook accounts?