So let us be clear. You expect people to pay you upfront fee in exchange for you providing a service nobody knows anything about and you cannot provide any verifiable proof??? Who guaranteed us you re not going to take the money and run away? Dont get me wrong, I m not trying to sabotage your offer, I m simply pointing out the fact there are serious risks to this service.
I d suggest you find one or two guys and provide this service for free so they can vouch for you. If not that, then, use escrow. Otherwise it seems you re not willing to trust people to pay you based on your service yet you ask people to trust you.
Im more than willing to use escrow.I haven't denied it nor have it been mentioned here.And I'll be honest,I didn't really think about it until you mentioned it.Its a pretty simple service,I mentor you on how to earn money online,and i give a list of methods when you buy the service and you get to pick which one you feel more comfortable with.And I can provide a previous method for verification of my earnings or Payment proof.But I'd have to PM you/anyone the proof and its only if they are actually interested in buying the mentorship since a bunch of leechers would come and saturate the method.