StarofBTC (OP)
January 04, 2016, 08:21:17 AM Last edit: January 16, 2016, 04:43:07 PM by StarofBTC |
BTCTALKESTIMATOR Check Potential Activity and Account Price Online are the rates considered in calculating account price :- a) 0.000375BTC per Current Activityb) 0.00025BTC per Potential Activityc) Post Quality Multiplier i) Excellent : 1.10x ii) Good : 1.05x iii) Fair : 1x iv) Poor : 0.95x v) Very Poor : 0.9xd) Trust Multiplier i) Dark Green : 1.10x ii) Light Green : 1.05x iii) Neutral : 1x iv) Negative : 0.20xSpecial thanks for scripts:- a) ak111in (Developer of Potential Activity Bot)b) ColderThanIce (Developer of Account Price Calculator)c) SebatianJu (Thanks for making a link to the potential activity bot file.)I just linked up all the files and uploaded it to server so that users can get info. at one click. NOTE: The delay for this script is set at 2 seconds so it will take 2 seconds to read 20 posts, Thus if you are checking the potential activity of a user with 200 posts , expect to wait for 20 seconds before the script finishes. Tips are welcome but dont tip me :p , tip the REAL DEVELOPERS (ak111in,ColderThanIce,SebastianJu) ......... ~StarofBTC~

Activity: 64
Merit: 10
January 04, 2016, 08:42:49 AM |
Seems to be working  I've bookmarked your page!
StarofBTC (OP)
January 04, 2016, 08:44:16 AM |
Seems to be working  I've bookmarked your page! Thanks!!!... if you feel any changes to be brought down in price rates please let me know or any suggestions...

Activity: 114
Merit: 10
January 04, 2016, 06:21:40 PM |
Bookmarked,tested,working good
January 08, 2016, 06:50:44 AM |
Website currently down for me/everyone. 
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
January 08, 2016, 10:08:25 AM |
Website currently down for me/everyone.
Yes it is down for everyone,these websites are not good for long term.It is better to buy one key from ak111in' and use it, though there were some problems recently but it is fixed now and works fine.
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1003
January 10, 2016, 04:41:40 PM |
Just checked my stats and the bot is pretty fast comparing to others, congratz. Also please check the thread design as it is a bit messy.
January 10, 2016, 05:16:06 PM |
Why does the site never work for me every i want to check my account price there, i have tried it several times and just the second ago i try it again and still don't work to me
January 10, 2016, 06:56:30 PM |
1. It does show me the potential activity, but nothing else than that (besides the post locations). No post quality, trust score etc. 2. The price estimator always gives me a 0 BTC worth as a result, no matter what I fill in. Please fix it. 3. Why not implement the estimated price directly to the post analysis instead of having the user put in the information manually.
StarofBTC (OP)
January 11, 2016, 04:26:24 AM |
Well thanks for your feedback  -snip-
Am sorry for that thing... I uploade the wrong file om server due to which price thing is not working -snip-
Well thanks for pointing out the bot errrors and some suggestions 1) i will work on correcting the price bot file now 2) i will try to make the price bot automatic 3) will also add up post quality and trust thing... Am really sorry for the price bot error it was my mistake and will correct it soon. Thankyou
StarofBTC (OP)
January 11, 2016, 10:44:30 AM |
Thanks for creating backup. Users facing problem can check on this link quoted up
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1005
Decentralized Asset Management Platform
January 11, 2016, 03:57:04 PM |
Tested and it's working as expected.
IMO Dark Green multiplier should be a *a lot* higher. Nowadays you could buy a 0/0 Hero for 0.15-0.25. But dark green Hero... 1+ BTC.
January 11, 2016, 05:05:04 PM |
IMO .0005 for current activity is too much, a 100 activity account wont worth .05btc so i guess the activity factor should rely on rank too
StarofBTC (OP)
January 16, 2016, 04:42:21 PM |
IMO .0005 for current activity is too much, a 100 activity account wont worth .05btc so i guess the activity factor should rely on rank too
Edited with new prices Cureent activity*0.000375 btc Potential* 2.5 Tested and it's working as expected.
IMO Dark Green multiplier should be a *a lot* higher. Nowadays you could buy a 0/0 Hero for 0.15-0.25. But dark green Hero... 1+ BTC.
Ohk pm me what you think multiplier should be.. I wil give it a thought.
StarofBTC (OP)
January 25, 2016, 08:21:54 AM |
This site is very helpful to see the detail account why not use the donate button or ads I do not mind to share a little bit of income  Ohk will add up donate button.if you want to donate i will add up words donate to the real makers. I just added up file to make you guys convenient
January 25, 2016, 12:12:07 PM |
How to check post quality and trust ? At account value we need to enter manually not auto like potential calculator
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
January 25, 2016, 01:16:03 PM |
How to check post quality and trust ? At account value we need to enter manually not auto like potential calculator
Yes, you would have to check that info on the first page itself and before checking the price,a typical account will have either fair or good quality.This is a free version and i dont think you should expect a lot cool or auto features in it.Go buy a key from ak111in' for that.
StarofBTC (OP)
January 25, 2016, 02:56:24 PM |
How to check post quality and trust ? At account value we need to enter manually not auto like potential calculator
Yes, you would have to check that info on the first page itself and before checking the price,a typical account will have either fair or good quality.This is a free version and i dont think you should expect a lot cool or auto features in it.Go buy a key from ak111in' for that. Sorry but am busy for sometime.However automatic price and post quality are in to-do list of mine .So will try too add on whenever i am free