couldn't be windows. wouldnt have to bother with these dependencies he speaks of
Could be Windows.
Same problems here, there are no docs about the build versions at all. To get a suitable environment I finally installed:
Python 2.6.6
Python setuptools-0.6c12dev-r85381
Python 2.6 Base-11.5.23
Python 2.6 numpy-1.6.0
Python 2.6 scipy-0.7.1
Python 2.6 Twisted-10.1.0
Python 2.6 zope.interface-3.6.3
Most of those are pre-built here: I installed boost libraries 1.42 (timedate, python, threads; multithreaded dll), and copied the boost_date_time-vc90-mt-1_42.dll, boost_python-vc90-mt-1_42.dll, and boost_thread-vc90-mt-1_42.dll to the windows\system32 directory
added Python to the path, added a HOME environment variable.
Installed full ATI Stream SDK 2.4.
I then got the pyOpenCL 0.92 (the last version that doesn't complain about kernels using deprecated functions), and built and installed it using MSVC9. Multiple fails to come up with this as my
BOOST_INC_DIR = [r'C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_42']
BOOST_LIB_DIR = [r'C:\Program Files\boost\boost_1_42\lib']
BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME = ['boost_python-vc90-mt-1_42']
CL_TRACE = False
CL_INC_DIR = [r'C:\Program Files\AMD APP\include']
CL_LIB_DIR = [r'C:\Program Files\AMD APP\lib\x86']
Or something like that... with all that, now I can run phoenix source.
A step-by-step 'how to install python for phoenix.exe' would be many many steps, it would be nice if Jedi95 would just document building, especially how he makes the EXE since I have yet to duplicate the binary he distributes.