Does any data get passed to the POST request? From my observations it appear no data is passed along.
From my tests, the data is passed as the body of the POST request. For example, the following Perl code using the Mojolicious web framework will extract data from the POST:
my @blocks;
any '/receive' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $body = $self->req->body;
my $json = Mojo::JSON->new;
my $data = $json->decode($body);
my $params = $json->{params}; something with $params...
$self->render(json => {result => undef, error => undef, id => undef });
Here the $params variable contains the decoded JSON data equivalent to what 'getblock' returns if this was posted as a result of 'monitorblocks'. It will return the equivalent of what 'gettransaction' returns if it was posted as a result of 'monitoraddresses'. I wasn't sure what it expected as a result so I just return an empty JSON method result.