Trolling = everything you'd rather sweep under the rug?
$2+ MILLION in BTC laundered through a shell company, for an unfinished, non-functional forum is a non-issue?
Is it an issue for you? Was it your money? Have you ever donated to the forum?
But that's not really trolling, is it? I don't have any stake here, so I'm just playing devil's advocate. The above, if true, definitely sounds like a concern for people who do business on this forum. Yeah, I'd say that.
I think he was trolling, not only regarding that post but about all his 'activity' here.
So "trolling" is basically "I don't like what he's saying, he must have ulterior motives"?
Because of that, it's perfectly reasonable to archive a month+ thread, and change a 14-day ban to a permaban?
To quote minifrij, "Now where did I put my tinfoil hat..."