1.5 unique visitors? Or duplicate impressions? If unique.. I am interested.. Please pm me
I can not guarantee this. But my faucet let its visitors claim again just 12 hours after performing a first claim action.
Then... I guarantee that a same visitor won't be redirected to your site more than once at each 12 hours period.
It is a high unique users rate.
Do you have discount promo?
Yes. 0.012 btc for the first week.
if you specify the approx rate of unique visits .. Then i will surely buy.. please reply soon
I don't know how to measure this with 100% of precision (If you know how to see this in Google Analitycs, tell me and I will show you the data). But I can specify the minimum limits.
For example, I will send 100% of unique users for each 12 hours period. But for a 24 hours period, I can guarantee at least 50% of unique users.
Analyze this example with me... Considering that people sleeps 8 hours per night and they have lives, for the most people remains just 16 hours per day to claim in my faucet. I think that just a little group of people returns to my faucet in a day.
My rejection rate is approx to 33%. It is a very good rate for a faucet.
An other good rate is my New Users Per Day rate. It is 47% (the last 7 days). It means that everyday, 47% of my traffic is totally new (first time on my site). I can show my Google Analytics Graphic if you want.
In addition to, I have a lot of security engines running on my site to ensure that just real people (NO BOTS) will claim and be redirected from my site to your.
I have a blocker to avoid users which use "AdBlock". This ensures that my users will see ads. This way my traffic is good for ads publishers.
I'm waiting for your answer. I think We can do a good deal for both. After one week, We will can analyze the results better.