Time out: Can anyone point me to the section of code I am looking for on ANY of the miners so I dont have to reverse engineer the whole thing?
What you need to know are a few things, e.g.
1) What the commands and or data requirements are to talk to the FPGA (often called the protocol)
2) The libraries to use to talk to the FPGA (USB or the crappy serial-USB ... or some other)
Each of the driver-*.c files in cgminer will include the commands to talk to each FPGA.
In my case I've named them rather than just put random short strings splattered about in each one.
e.g. look at the top of the driver-modminer.c code where I put them.
cgminer is moving to only using libusb to talk to FPGAs
(I've completed MMQ, and have BFL working but want to do more testing)
The old code uses serial-USB which will be problematic for ASICs so I've been rewriting it all to spend the effort to find some of the problems involved and solve them before the ASICs turn up.