ethOS - Ethereum Mining Platform
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Nvidia support provided. My congratulations! But there is a problem in Claimore-zcash:
.....AMD OpenCL platform not found
No AMD OPENCLGPUs found, exit....

optiminer-zcash: [error] Found no matching devices! Quitting!

Please, help Guys!
Quote from: Duncanopolus on July 05, 2017, 07:30:12 PM

Nvidia support provided. My congratulations! But there is a problem in Claimore-zcash:
.....AMD OpenCL platform not found
No AMD OPENCLGPUs found, exit....

optiminer-zcash: [error] Found no matching devices! Quitting!

Please, help Guys!

Even though I havent tried EthOS yet, I think u will find some mining software on it only supports AMD cards, try use EWBF for nvidia cards.
NVIDIA support was added so I switches to ethOS. I now have 6 ASUS 1070GTX cards working on Z270 without issues, but NVIDIA support is buggy and I hope someone from ethos is reading this:

Scripts for setting mem clock and gpu clock are written in a way where baseline Mhz is read and difference is calculated. But there is a problem with gpu clock!

My cards without overclock run on ~1560Mhz as reported by "nvidia-smi -q -d CLOCK", but when system starts somehow this clock gets bumped to MAX of ~1920Mhz for a brief moment, but long enough that ethOS writes this WRONG values to /var/run/ethos/defaultcore.file. Now the problem is, that you can't set clocks anymore. For example if I write "cor 1650" this will result in scripts setting totally wrong clocks as they calculate the difference between defaultcore and config core, which would wrongly result in 1650-1920 = -270 which is out of range and wrong anyhow. The correct result would be "1650-1560 = 90". This is all to the fact that nvidia-seettings use OFFSET for setting clocks and not raw value....

So my suggestion is to get the default clock somewhere else....ethos-oc-nvidia get's it with "/opt/ethos/sbin/ethos-readdata core" which now correctly reads the values:

1582 1582 1556 1594 1569 1544

but somehow during bootup this values are written in  /var/run/ethos/defaultcore.file:

1911 1911 1949 1936 1936 1949

My suspicion is that you should have longer delay before reading default clocks, since some other process influences them in between....Or as I said, read theme somewhere else....

I can help you out with testing as I am many decades Linux user if you need any help....

PS: Also to notice that memclock overclocking is also not +100 does not mean +100Mhz...rougly you have to use approximately double value...but this is nvidia-settings issue not ethOS scripts....
Hello. I have some questions.
1) Are you able to add new miner? CCminer?

2) And what about some notifications when miner falls or rig not online? For example to telegram.

3) What about option to automatic reboot when miner or card fall? 
3) set autoreboot true in conf
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