Pjsonowal is my main account and remaining are my alts.I want to sell my alts that i clear and you can check whether the password is changed or not.
Yeah i bought the stratus oakmont account 3 months ago but i confirmed it later on mexxer-2 which was my mistake.
You linked to a normal token, which tells the names of the accounts you are selling, so you might want to delete this thread and make a new one. BTW, you forgot to tell the post quality of those accounts.
It doesn't matter. Psonowal was an admitted alt already and is on the list of known alts. I wouldn't recommend buying these accounts, or lie in the risk of being -ved.
Although StatusOakmont wasn't on the list
And please may i know how the account will be "-ved" as you said above. Though signed message is available.
Also i put up the names in the token because even if i dont mention the account name they still can guess or track my alt from the list.