He's been trying to get me to remove my neutral trust left the past week or so. I assumed he either bought the account or was trying to sell it.
Why would you give a loan to someone with untrusted negative trust and neutral trust pointing it out in the first place
Since it was neutral trust it wasnt making the account unsellable. The loan was for .0025 and the account could fetch more than dbl that on resale price so the risk was small.
Wasnt expecting the guy to be a scumbag over .003 or less either and regain control of account
irobotic449 0: -0 / +0
2015-11-05 0.05000000 Reference scammed me out of a $20 amazon gift card. took code and didn't send bitcoin.
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1237248.msg12881000#msg12881000You should expect to get fucked no matter what the amount is doing business with a scammer. He probably scammed others and was trying to get as much as possible before being marked. Remember these are the type of scumbags who will scam for a couple of bucks. Just something to keep in mind next time
Left negative feedback making the account worthless now.