Just some information for you allNormalized URL:
http://instantsatoshi.com:80Submission date: Wed Feb 10 13:15:42 2016
Server IP address:
Country: United States
Server: Apache/2.4.17
Malicious files: 0
Suspicious files: 0
Potentially Suspicious files: 1
Clean files: 69
External links detected: 41
Iframes scanned: 2
Blacklisted: No
Severity: Potentially Suspicious
Reason: Detected potentially suspicious content.
Details: Detected potentially suspicious initialization of function pointer to JavaScript method eval <code> = eval; <code/>
Threat dump: View code
Threat dump MD5: 29F134631E8CC8E5DA76C15B8542C305
File size[byte]: 85589
File type: ASCII
Page/File MD5: 6FC159D00DC3CEA4153C038739683F93
Scan duration[sec]: 3.379000
Website: instantsatoshi.com
Title: Instant Satoshi
Description: Earn money easily without any requirements! Sign up quickly and start earning bitcoins.
Type: jobs,bitcoin
Domain Age: 14 Days
Website Speed: Very Fast
Organisation: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Owner: Registration Private
Owner Address: DomainsByProxy.com,14747 N Northsight Blvd Suite 111, PMB 309
Owner City: Scottsdale
Owner Postcode: 85260
Phone Number: +1.4806242599
Phone Type: geographic :Phoenix, AZ Qwest Corporation
Owner Country : Hidden
Website Location : United States
Probable website origin :-
89%; Unknown
11%; United States
The owner of the website is using a service to hide their identity
This website is 14 Days old
The website expected life (366 days) is relatively short.
The website appears to be less than six months old
Analysis Details:-
This webite is very new , and as such doesn't have an online reputation yet. As with all new businesses , we suggest that you take care and if necessary get in contact with the owners before placing an order of value.
This site is using an anonymous service - which prevents us from identifying the site owner. This can sometimes be just so that the owner does not receive spam, but be aware that many scam sites use this as a method to hide their identify. If this is an ecommerce site - we would suggest you confirm the business address with the website owners.
The website has been newly registered with a short life expectancy, which follows the pattern used by many fraudulent and fake selling websites. Please be vigilant and take extra care before providing any payment information.
Edit to add: 15th March 2016
Google AdSense account ID: 6801083873728298 if this is still the same next week, they havent given the website over to someone else.