Another giveaway by Vinnie Stanley. I already paid 30 people in the last 2 days!
This offer is valid for the following countries: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Iceland, Denmark, UK and USA. ( Anyway, you can use a VPN and change your geo-location ) .The list of elegible countries above is very important, because if you sign up from another country your registration is not shown to me, and thus I cannot proceed to pay you.
Here are some tips:
TIP #1: If you don't live in one of the countries above, you can use a VPN and switch your IP and geo-localization.
TIP #2: I can pay the same user more than once! The important things to keep in mind are to change IP, email address ( you can even use a temp one! ) and browser ( you can also use the same one, restarting it and cleaning cookies ) . Otherwise, if you use the same IP, email and browser, the second registration is not shown to me and thus I cannot proceed to pay you.
This way you can sign up and claim your reward more than once
For example, yesterday I pay the user "jakals" twice: to receive 1 mBTC:
1. Sign up for free to this NSFW website:
Sexy Cams2. Confirm your email and activate your account.
3. Send me a PM with your Bitcoin address, your country and receive money!
That's all
This offer is valid for the first 20 users who claim the reward.
NOTE: Today I am quite busy, so I will send payments starting from 8 P.M. ( Forum Time ) . Please be patient and wait until I'll come back home