EDIT: We decided to make public the Jackpots Ranges! All Jackpots are guaranteed within these ranges.120 - 400 bits
45678 - 100000 bits
987654 - 1500000 bits (0,98 - 1,5 BTC)
How the Jackpot works ?When a new Jackpot is set, our server generates a random Hash Key (e.g. "MB58bNJogX") and random value for the Jackpot (e.g. 777).
This value is the amount of bits to be won.
These two, the Hash Key and the Jackpot value are encrypted into a SHA256 Hash Code in the following form: "MB58bNJogX777".
The generated Hash Code for every Jackpot (Grand, Major and Minor) is shown in the Jackpot Box.
When a Jackpot is won you will find the jackpot value along the Hash Key and the Hash Code in the Jackpots Tab.
You can verify the authenticity of the Jackpot here:
http://www.xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculatorAfter each increase of jackpot, the server compares the generated Hash Code of the new value with the Jackpot Hash Code.
When these two are the same, we have a winner.
In this way we assure that no one knows the Jackpot value and that no one can modify it.
We are happy to announce a new bitcoin-based dice game that is going to dazzle.
DICECO.IN reinvents an old gambling feature,
Why is this great? Because you can use the faucet and gain free bitcoins to play and have the same chance at the jackpot as a high roller.
We offer the starting chips for each jackpot, and then they will be supported from wagered money.
Our goal is to offer a great experience and good quality services and we will work hard for that to happen.
When the community will grow, we will raise the percentages offered to jackpots and we will have bigger wins and smaller intervals between them.
You are in control of this happening.The site is supported by MoneyPot, so you benefit from all their features.
- faucet: receiving free bitcoin to train yourself.
- chat: where you can talk with other players, or ask questions. A mod will be there most of the time to answer you.
Try it out and see if you like it!