June 08, 2011, 06:58:39 PM |
I'm providing you the possibility to buy your "World of Warcraft Gold" for BTC. Prices vary from the ammount of gold you are buying.
Contact - ICQ: 643 993 or just in this thread.
In-Game delivery within 24 hours (mostly under 12h) "Face-2-Face" or "Guildbank-Withdraw". 10k min. order size!
10-79k | 0.06 BTC/k 80-150k | 0.055 BTC/k 150k+ | 0.05 BTC/k
Gold avaliable on following EU-Realms - check for current stocks first to assure a fast delivery:
Aegwynn Alexstrasza Alleria Aman'Thul Ambossar Anetheron Antonidas Anub'arak Area 52 Arthas Arygos Azshara Baelgun Blackhand Blackmoore Blackrock Blutkessel Dalvengyr Das Konsortium Das Syndikat Der abyssische Rat Der Mithrilorden Der Rat von Dalaran Destromath Dethecus Die Aldor Die ewige Wacht Die Nachtwache Die Silberne Hand Die Todeskrallen Dun Morogh Durotan Echsenkessel Eredar Festung der Stürme Forscherliga Frostmourne Frostwolf Garrosh Gilneas Gorgonnash Gul'dan Kargath Kel'Thuzad Khaz'goroth Kil'jaeden Krag'jin Kult der Verdammten Lordaeron Lothar Madmortem Mal'Ganis Malfurion Malorne Malygos Mannoroth Mug'thol Nathrezim Nazjatar Nefarian Nera'thor Nethersturm Norgannon Nozdormu Onyxia Perenolde Proudmoore Rajaxx Rexxar Sen'jin Shattrath Taerar Teldrassil Terrordar Theradras Thrall Tichondrius Tirion Todeswache Ulduar Un'Goro Vek'lor Wrathbringer Ysera Zirkel des Cenarius Zuluhed
We also provide you "Powerleveling and Professions Service". Only botting service, yet! Choose youre prefered IP-range, also tunneling to your IP is possible to prevent any attention from Blizzard!
Professions - Mining & Herbing 1-525 - all herbs & ores gathered will stay on your account - done within 24 h - check status on ICQ almost anytime 0.5 BTC
Leveling - 80-85 arch or quest profiles - all gold gathered will stay on your account - done within 2-4 days - check status on ICQ almost anytime 2.5 BTC
Contact on ICQ for individual offers.