Wow. What will these Donator Hero Member kids come up with next?
Is this a pure troll or are you serious?
If your not interested, why are you posting?
Even if an request sounds absurd, you don't have
to scream out and point red fingers immediately.
That doesn't happen in real life, but only on threads?
You could just look at it and think of it as absurd,
then go look somewhere else, instead of screaming out.
I also detailed the whole thing compeltely, so its up
to a person to decide, I said it all in quote.
If you don't want it, just move on.
If you see a guy outside holding a sign, *End of the world*
Do you jump out of the car, and scream *TROLLOLOLOLOL*
And things? No you just ignore it, and drive on.
Why can't you do the same?
Its interesting how you call donators trolls, even though
they are required for this site to function, and without them
they wouldn't have the funds. That was $140 out of my pocket
hard cash, because I use this forum, and I thought they deserved it.