The simple answer is "wait".
- There are currently 150,000+ unconfirmed transactions in the mempool: Some 12MB worth of these transactions (or around 12 full blocks worth) are all paying fees above 130 sats/byte: haven't provided a transaction ID, so we can't check for issues like low fee, unspent transctions, double spend etc...
However the current recommended fees are:
The fastest and cheapest transaction fee is currently 280 satoshis/byte, shown in green at the top.
The current best transaction fees 243 Satoshis/byte | 0.00243 BTC/KB
Check your transaction and compare the fee... If it is below 200 sats/byte, you're going to be waiting for quite a while.
If you want to try getting it confirmed faster... visit the
ViaBTC TX Accelerator and try to submit your transaction right at the start of every hour until you get the "acceleration succeeded" message... They only accept 100 txes at the start of every hour... and with the network the way it is, you have to get in quick as the accelerator service is being hammered hard.
Good luck