February 15, 2016, 12:11:33 AM |
I went with a uNOMP pool idea because I wanted a web accessible "dashboard" to check on things at a glance instead of RPC mining off the Bitcoin classic full node .
This pool is just for myself, essentially solo mining - taking a lottery chance at hitting a block. So system resources are hardly used. Its also a hands on learning experiment for myself to understand how things work in the world of Bitcoin.
My understanding of pool difficulty is essentially to limit the system resources so people who have 4TH machines are not flooding the processors and network connections running 128 diff etc.... basically the average I'm seeing in pools are 1TH per 1024 difficulty.
With that 1024 difficulty, just with a couple 1.2TH machines chunking along, the pool system is hardly using any processor power since there is not a few hundred people mining on there, its just me.
So my question is:
To optimize my chance at finding a block, should I lower the pools difficulty so I'm hashing much faster and getting far far far more accepted than at the 1024 pool diff? Basically hashing more accepted shares in the same time than as I would with a typical pool at 1024 diff. Lowering the pool difficulty is not going to hurt my chances at finding a block or hurt the Bitcoin system with a mad flood of small shares, is it?
Just for grins, I dropped the pool diff to 256 and its just humming along using right are 60% system resources, temperatures are fine, very few duplicate shares, very few rejected etc. I just want to make sure I'm not hurting my chance at finding a block or doing something funky to the bitcoin network.
By the way, my internet connection and LAN is handling this just fine, no bottlenecks there.