We would like to bring on one (or potentially two) back end web developers. Please email me if you may be interested/would like to know more about the project or what we are looking for. You can reach me at
BTCPredictions@gmail.comWhat languages and stack are you using?
We are using a CSS framework called materialize. Front end JS is angular, and the current APIs are written in Go language. The prediction software is written in Java. We are thinking of keeping pretty much the same stack for the new version we are working on, but we may use Java + Spring Boot for the back end services instead of Go... still not 100% certain.
very interesting ! Would like to see variance/stdev of error . Would it successfully predict sudden rises and falls ?
Sorry about that! That's why I need help on the back end haha. I'm not sure what email you used but I would try logging in despite the error message resulting from the verification link. There have been some reported cases where the verification link returns an error but still successfully verifies the account. If you are still having problems, please shoot me an email at
btcpredictions@gmail.com and I will resolve them.
very interesting ! Would like to see variance/stdev of error . Would it successfully predict sudden rises and falls ?
As it is, it can predict sudden rises and falls sometimes but not most of the time. It is better at predicting general trends, but I have ideas for how to improve it. One of my motivations behind forming a team to help with this project is so that I can put more time into the actual prediction side of the project.