if you're asking for a loan, it's not a good idea to not set a loan amount because it will look like you don't really need the money[1] and is only interested in padding your reputation. which is frowned upon here.
[1]that's assuming that you have a 120% collateral. otherwise it may be viewed as scam attempt.
Updated for this.
check the link that i provided, you will see that paxful account isnt a valid collateral as you can easily claim back back by contacting support saying it was hacked
Was being used as a more proof of earnings type of thing.
Sorry man, but proof of earning doesn't count as collateral... Read the link to the sticky Naoko has provided.
You'll basically need something that is worth at least $120 and that can never be reclaimed by you in case you forfait the loan.
If you have no altcoins, and this newbie account is your only account, i guess you must be stuck to giving small luxury items as collateral, or maybe a really good domain name or something (altough not a lot of people take domain names as collateral, since the transferral is always a drag).