I see that block explorer
https://cryptobe.com/chain/HiroCoin shows that the blocks with payment of 100HIRO are found.
I decided to analyze the last blocks on my node:
http://crypto.mine.nu:9408 and in the block explorer
https://cryptobe.com/chain/HiroCoinAnd I see that HiroCoin blockchain has divided into 2 branches.
Proceeding from the function of calculating subsidies:
https://github.com/Hirocoin/hirocoin/blob/ef74937b92fedd35d43be1af970ab06fd74a3b09/src/main.cpp#L1064// PoW Miner Subsidy Function
int64 static GetBlockValue(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, int64 nFees, bool addOne)
int nHeight = pindexLast->nHeight;
int mockSubsidy = 400;
if (addOne) {nHeight += 1;}
if (nHeight > nVolatileSubsidyFork) {
if (!addOne) pindexLast = pindexLast->pprev;
const CBlockIndex* pindexFirst = pindexLast;
mockSubsidy = 200;
double diffTotal = 0;
double lastDiff = GetDifficulty(pindexLast);
for (int i = 0; pindexFirst && i < 100; i++) {
pindexFirst = pindexFirst->pprev;
diffTotal += GetDifficulty(pindexFirst);
double weight = (diffTotal / 100) / lastDiff;
if (weight > 2) weight = 2; // Max 400 reward
if (weight < 0.2) weight = 0.2; // Min 40 reward
mockSubsidy *= weight;
// Mining Phase Subsidy
int64 nSubsidy = mockSubsidy * COIN;
// Mining Halving Phase
if (nHeight < nHalvingEnd)
nSubsidy >>= (nHeight / nHalvingBlock);
// Mineout Phase Subsidy
else if (nHeight >= nMineoutBlock)
nSubsidy = nMineoutBlockSubsidy;
// Invalid Protection
else nSubsidy = nBlockRewardInvalid;
return nSubsidy + nFees;
For example, I take a 1712775 block
https://cryptobe.com/block/0000000034c12cf4e6420571f50bbe42479ae59c0caad4cdb47c17a1fbe3afccThe condition "if (nHeight <nHavingEnd)" is false, because nHeight> nHalvingEnd now.
nHeight = 1712775
nHalvingEnd = 1680000 (look here
So then this comparison should be performed:
else if (nHeight> = nMineoutBlock)
Since nMineoutBlock = 2978250 (look here
it is false, and the subsidy should be equal to 0.0001:
nSubsidy = nBlockRewardInvalid
nBlockRewardInvalid = 0.0001 (look here
I do not understand why the payout shown in the block explorer for this block is 100. If I got it right, the subsidy for the blocks from 1680000 to 2978249 should be 0.0001HIRO
On my node I receive a payment of 0.0001HIRO for the block.
Then what do I see in the block explorer?
Or did I misunderstand the function?