Gambling Thread: visit the thread, and site before posting your interest in this position.Bitvest Mod Openings:All new mods will start off as submods an can work their way up.
Looking For:*= Optional, increases chances of being picked however
-Active, on at least several hours or more a day
-Chat Friendly, chats with other users/Socializes
*Account with good trust/Above Member
*Has been a mod before of another site
Mod Expectations-Stops all Spams
-Removes any begging/Posting of BTC addresses
-No links to any competitor gambling sites
-If gone for more than a day or two you will need to update us.
Any violations results in the following, warning once, then muting, then permanent ban.
Bitvest Recruitment PositionSub Mods (Level 1)Keeps an eye on users, mutes when necessary
Promotions/Demotions are based upon the check list in general. A member may be promoted/demoted
based upon their quality and demonstration of belonging to the family.
Maximizing Your chances of Tier progression:1) Be Active
2) Socialize/Casual
3) Willing candidate for being part of the Bitvest family
4) Willingness for dedication and good leadership skills
Bitvest Check List1) Active member of the community
2) Constructive
3) Can be helpful and social
4) Willingness to participate and become part of the Bitvest Family
Benefits:As the higher up the ranks you go the more benefits you get.
I can't discuss everything since its mostly a secret, one noticeable benefit is larger faucet.
Just be part of the Bitvest family tree and we will treat you well and like family
Mods can have a faucet up to 10,000 tokens every 90 seconds.
Mods are allowed to join in events.
If you're interested please submit the following format the thread below:Past mod experience: Y/n
Where did you last mod?:
What are your best qualities?:
Time of day you can mod: Your time zone Am or Pm
Bitcointalk profile?:
Bitvest account name?:
What are you looking for and what can you bring to bitvest?:
What are five of the in the group "moderators" names on bitvest?