Here are some stats
5770 - CC 900 Mem 300 Temp 70-72. GPu V Null - 185513
CC 910 Mem 300 Temp 71-72. GPu V Null - 187762
CC 925 Mem 300 Temp 72-72. GPu V Null - 192126
CC 940 Mem 300 Temp 72-73. GPu V Null - 194485
CC 950 Mem 300 Temp 73-74. GPu V Null - 196279
Ill hook up the others later
im past 220 right now, on the 5770 in win7 diablo. I expect 290 in debian.
how are you pulling 220 at 950core? on my 5770 at 1ghz core i only get about 220ish. btw for 51f room temp you cards are hot my 5770 at 1.3v 1ghz core runs at under 80 in and 75f room when it was in my cold room at 65 it ran at about low 70s have you turned your fan speeds to 100%?