The start using the word correctly.
I am.
Follow up question. Do you understand what constitution means?
I do. Tell me what does
Consensus mean?
The conventional definition of a constitution is as a regulating mechanism of an entity through the use of violence or exclusionary methods (judicial system, LEA, exclusion.of membership, depriving access, etc), regardless of whether it is in a decentralized or centralized society. You talk about voluntary, shared success, etc like this is a 'constitution' for a My Little Pony clubhouse.
You failed to understand bitcoin. Not unusual for people brought up and brainwashed in a centralized hierarchical society.
Oh, I see. Since you can no longer articulate an argument, you immediately hide behind "you are brainwashed so you don't understand", hoping desperately that no one will see that you actually have no clue to what is being discussed here. But it's not unusual to see people to talk about things they don't even understand, arrogantly at that. And then hiding behind words like shared success, voluntary and now, consensus. Oh, the irony.
The fact, is, if you understood the concept of constitution, then we wouldn't be having this discussion. Period.