That'll teach me to use "search" and check the links only to the left. <wry grin> There's a lot of stuff on that site that can't be accessed from there.
Unfortunately that page did not include information on how to secure BitCoin on Windows. Fortunately I was able to put together that information from a number of locations on the Wiki. After setting up and testing my configuration on two computers -- one Windows 7 and one Windows XP -- I added a section to "Securing your Wallet" that describes how to set up BitCoin to store its data on an encrypted drive image: configuration is not intended to hide your use of BitCoin, but simply to keep sticky fingers from stealing your unencrypted wallet, which would be A Bad Thing. I believe somebody who knows more about this than I do has already explained how to use TrueCrypt to create secure savings accounts. The same process would also work with BestCrypt (which I've used for well over a decade) and similar products.