@zachmartus - You should just come out and ask what "illegal" stuff you want to sell. You'll get a much better answer.
As lauda said, as long as its legal goods you're selling you're fine.
A sale that breaks TOS of a site is also accepted as there are many countries where its not illegal to do soNot so sure about that last part. Drugs that are illegal in the United States are
not allowed to be sold here period, even if they are legal in some third world country.
There is also a active group that you should be aware of that will slander you and force you to prove innocence. This is allowed because they are on the trust list and have a greater good in mind.If you plan to do any business on the forum,take a look at their issues because they will come looking if you are anywhere near the gray/grey!
Which would be commonly resold carded (
not saying they are carded) gift cards and those cheap netflix / porn accounts you see being sold and resold everywhere. Though, I highly doubt the buyer of such cards and accounts would give a fuck where they are from and simply ignore the negative feedback you receive after attempting to sell.