Looking for developers who can work for virtual sharesAs you may or may not know, the colored coins project makes it possible for anyone to issue their own virtual assets in a quick and convenient manner. Those virtual assets can then be traded freely P2P, independently of web platforms (as opposed to btct.co, litecoinglobal.com, icbit.se etc).
We are now looking for developers who can work for virtual shares (non-developers are also welcome to join, we need all sorts of workers).
The value of these virtual shares could go up or down according to supply and demand.
Developers who are not interested in sharing risks and profits need not reply. We will not pay in cash or bitcoins but in virtual shares. If the projects are successful we will all profit, if not well no money will have been lost just time.
Here's more info about the colored coins project:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=106373.160You can already download the ArmoryX software from bitcoinx.org and trade virtual assets freely.
Let's get started.
We use Git and GitHub.com for project development.
If you have any good ideas for software development projects (non-software projects might also be of interest) you are also welcome to submit them in this thread.