I'd love to setup a dice website, but you're selling a pirated version which i don't really trust.
Btw, there was also a free pirated version floating around, but it had backdoors and loads of bugs. I hope you're not trying to sell the free (backdoored) version?
If you want, i can review the code and give some feedback wether i found backdoors or not... I'll only make public wether or not i found something, but i do not really condone pirated scripts, so i won't install it on my servers, nor will i make a "real" vouch.
No it's the original version i bought for 1 BTC, but now i dont use it anymore so i would like to get back my 1 btc investment by selling it to other guys.
I'd personally contact the writer of the script, and ask him if you can transfer your licence. That way you can recuperate 80-90% of your initial deposit, and still be OK in terms of licencing
btw: my offer still stands, in order to protect the forum, i'm willing to install this script on a vmware box, using dogecoind or something in order to see if it phones home, and do a quick readover of the code to see if it's legit.
The only feedback i'll give is: "contains backdoors" or "seems clean at first sight".
PM me if interested