- Whole Grain Bread.
I don't think so..
You're doin' it wrong.. who's bloody idea was it to put whole grains & seeds etc in my bread ?
YA like i was sitting there thinking my bread is crappy i wish there was random hard chunks of shit in there like little rocks.
I am sick & fucking god damn tired of all this healthy granola eatin' nature boy style food.
Like i almost bought Cheddar Cheese the other day from the store but after picking it up i noticed
on the corner of the label it said "Lactose Free"
There is suppose to LACTOSE in cheese you stupid fucking cunts !
One time before i bought a huge chunk of Cheddar and after i opened it at home
i noticed the fine print.. "FAT FREE"
It was fucking gross !
It was rubbery and shitty.
Where the fuck is my fat bitches ?
You tubby ass fat cunts can't stop shoveling food down your gaping maws so i have to have shitty food now ?
I also have been suckered into buying bottles of POP from the store that i noticed
after i got home it said "also Contains Sucralose"
Thanks fat assholes.. i can't have sugar because you treat food's like a drug and act like a fat junkie ?
Rather than ruining all my food put the fork down you god damn fat pieces of shit !
And jam your Diet pop and politically correct gluten free fake allergies bullshit up your moronic millenial ass's !
Your all a new age of whine baby suck hole crap lords hell bent on fucking up society with your faggotry..
I don't need fat free or sugar free food.. i need food as it always has been.. TASTING GOOD.
If you stupid fat pricks can't learn to put your fork down and shut your god damn cake hole ?
Then get your tubby food-junkie ass's into a 12 step program and pray to Jesus for the will to resist the evil temptation of a chocolate bar.. you stupid fucking fat ass faggot pussies.
People are stupid.. there is nothing wrong with sugar and no it doesn't cause cavities either idiots.
And if you avoid the bad cholesterol your body simply makes it anyway..
Same thing Scientists found with Aspertame (fake sugar)
Scientists found out that not only does it increase the chances of getting cancer but..
Your body treats it EXACTLY like it is real sugar anyway.. so it defeats the entire bloody purpose of using it !
AND NO Sweet & Low / Aspertame does NOT taste anything like sugar or sweeten things.. your idiots if you think that.
STOP wrecking my food you tubby ass granola eatin' nature boys !
If i want fiber i would go out side and grab a mittful of fucking god damn twigs and gnaw on that for an hour.
You stupid fuckers wanna go out into the woods and eat twigs & rocks & dirt & shit picking flowers fine..