But I was more concerned with looks and impressing others when I was younger, I guess that when you become older and you mature, you become more confident, and is not looking to others for praise, approval and confirmation.
When you are young, you show off your looks, because you still have them. When you are old, you show off your money, and hopefully you've managed to acquire some, because your looks are gone!
I can only speak for myself. I disagree with this statement. Money is not the most important thing in my life, and if I had a lot of it, I would keep a low profile and not show it off. To me, showing off is a sign of weak character. As for the point where you say that looks are gone, I think anyone that has healthy habbits can look quite attractive into a rather high age. I would attribute my own need to show off, brag and try to impress others when I was younger to immaturity, and lack of life experience. When you get older, you understand what's important in life. Impressing others are not important at all. I pitty those who become adults and don't understand this.