Well -so far I've been able to compile a linux daemon, qt wallet, and a windows qt wallet ( litebar vault version #2)
just some minor updates - but progress non the less.
I have a node up and running 24/7
block count so far is 119381
the block date on # 119381 is Mon Mar 28 16:41:30 PDT 2016
so far so good - unless someone else has a block count that's higher - if so, please let me know
The next thing is I would like to pay for sponsorship at
http://www.cryptocoinexplorer.com/sponsorThat will supply a 24/7 seed node ( a connection point for your wallet) and a block explorer like the one for Bitbar at
http://btb.cryptocoinexplorer.com/ very handy to see if you are synced up, or want to see if a transfer went through, or how many people are connected to the network.
Sponsorship is $330 a year
$330 = .78 BTC at current market values
I have .2 BTC to put towards this years sponsorship
As soon as my new bitcoin wallet syncs up, I will post a BTC address for donations.
The new wallet will be used for donations for Bitbar and Litebar only - with separate addresses.
The donation addresses will also be posted on the web sites so you can contribute, and keep tabs on the balances using your choice of block browsers.
(I'll add a personal donation address at the bottom of the web sites, in case you want to put a little in MY pocket)
Once CCE is setup and in sync, I can code in the dnsseed address, and the wallets will always have a starting point to connect - no more IRC.