Agreed that is nuts..
It also shows middle finger to the closed little Monopoly the big auto manufacturers have.
I remember when on the News there was ongoing drama about the US govt
cracking down on Musk about having a show room for his cars / dealership.
I think they would not let him have one etc.
I dunno bout that guy but at least someone is TRYING to move in a positive direction.
Although the current means of generating electricity is just passing the buck..
It's not really "Green" when the means to get Electricity still uses fossil fuels etc.
This TV shows sums up that point well..
Human Universe - S01E05 - What Is Our Future
Half way through the Scientist guy pulls up in a Tesla and goes on about it all. (where he says what i did but better)
And he also pointed out how although we have had some benefits of
over expansion of our population such as a longer life span and the effects etc
Watch that series guys it is well made and through out brings up some good perspectives.
I downloaded it from File Sharing Torrent sites myself