There are some strange things about this company.
1) They have pictures of their founders and directors on their web page as well as a list of investors. Look at the pictures - not one professionally taken image! The picture of Brock Pierce is a sketch of him and it appears to be on some sort of fiat currency note.
2) On their contact page is a heading that says "Locations" (plural) yet only one:
GoCoin Pte Ltd
8 Eu Tong Sen Street
Singapore, 059818
Okay they're in Asia... but then the contact number is
Phone: (415) 968-5306 <--- it looks to be a California (San Francisco) phone number because they didn't mention the country code 65
it should read - Phone: 65 415 968 5306
3) If you follow a link from their main page "
Investors, we're growing quickly! Get in on the action here." but clicking here takes you to a crowd-funder 404 page. Too busy to update?
4) Now follow the link to their terms of service... WTF?
Manx Broadcasting Corporation Limited, an Isle of Man corporation with offices located at 22 Athol St., Douglas, 1M1 1JA, Isle of Man, doing business as MBC, Ltd. ("MBC") offers technology and services for merchants that wish to accept payment in Bitcoin and other digital currencies...
5) they have a referral program! <--- the kicker