Hello everyone! My name is Luiz Paulo and I'm from Brazil... Yesterday I decided to overclock and overvolt my GT 630... And I'm here to share some results with you!!
1- I maked hardware overvolt, placing a resistor on PWM IC of the Buck converters! First 1,18V (+100mV) and after 1.225V (+145mV). I have maked an 1.02GHz overclock with success!
2- The temperature incrased in 5°C... I've placed another fan on radiator... The IC is two (one for memory and another for GPU) uP 1503 (pin6-feedback and pin3-gnd), the resistor needs to be placed in these pins (6 and 3), i suggest tu put an potentiometer to adjust the voltage. Some pics:
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B7pGfVvqaphAaWtNRDFHOTVIM2c&usp=sharingI will post benchmarks soon, now, i'm using this graphics card to mine NEVA coins... (low diff, new coin).
I think I can incrase more the frequency if I incrase more the voltage too... For now, with 1,225V 1020MHz is the maximum with good stability (667 MHz memory to 733MHz).
I'm mining with friends to invest in our "Plasma Speaker" project... If you wanna see one video:
https://www.facebook.com/luizpaulo.damaceno.33/videos/vb.100007151315479/1645168359064859/?type=3&theaterMy GT 630 version have only 48 CUDA cores... Is too slow, but, with this mod the performence incrased a litte.
Luiz Paulo.