it's a round based bet game (6 players)
you bet on the
first byte of the 6th players block hash (unpredictable, 50% chance)
to join: send
one byte data (0x01 or 0x81) with a bet amount of
1 ether to
0x0312855bb6e548578a36fa8de63b8f0d3d7d7dc2 - or -
one byte data (0x01 or 0x81) with a bet amount of
0.1 ether (100 finney) to
0x7753a9d834844cfde5c211ec3912b49f0d8b8e11 - or -
one byte data (0x01 or 0x81) with a bet amount of
0.01 ether (10 finney) to
0x615d2c5155ea9841f2a926c3a4953d140d407c99(click address to check the verified contract)
your data byte is less than 0x80 you bet the
6th players block hash first byte is less than 0x80if
your data byte is greater than or equal 0x80 you bet the
6th players block hash first byte is greater than or equal 0x80if you lose your bet your bet amount goes to the pool for winners
if you win your bet:
* you will get back 100% of your payment
* you will win a proportional part of the winner pool (win amount = winner pool / winners - 1%)
payout is triggered when a player starts the next roundadditional rules:
each address can only play once per round
every additional payment during the same round will be paid back immediatly
every payment below the bet value is considered as a donation for the winner pool
every amount that is exceeding the bet value will be paid back
if nobody wins in a round, the paid amounts will raise the winner pool for the next round
how to send a data byte together with Ether:If you are using
Geth or
Ethereum Wallet (wich starts Geth in the background):
after typing
in a command line, enter:
eth.sendTransaction({from: eth.accounts[0], to:'0x7753A9D834844cFDe5C211ec3912b49f0d8B8e11', value:web3.toWei(0.1, "ether"), gas:100000, data:"0x01"})
to send "0x01" and 0.1 Ether to address 0x7753A9D834844cFDe5C211ec3912b49f0d8B8e11.
Change "0x01" to "0x81" if you want to change your bet or change value and address if you want to risk more or less (see
original post).
In the GUI of
Ethereum Wallet (Mist) just click
SEND and after entering the address and the amount click the
ADD DATA button and enter
01 or
81 in the input field below the button.